Thursday, June 24, 2010

I had a dream, and all of you were in and you, and even you!

I feel like Dorothy standing in the Emerald City, waiting for the Wizard to tell me it's time to go.
There are people I want to say goodbye to, but I don't. I'll be back in August to visit, but it's a long shot that I'll see most of them...still, why belabor this?

Well, anyway:
Goodbye, Tin Man, good luck with your heart. Try not to give it away so quickly this time, and keep yourself safe while you fight the good fight.
Goodbye, Lion. You're not a coward, but you ARE a Lion, and try to keep your temper. You're well-loved.
Goodbye, Big Brother, I hope you continue to always be watching. I wish I could take you with me.
And goodbye, Scarecrow...I guess I'll miss you most of all. Be good, okay? And sorry I can be such a moody bitch. Take care, okay? And just so you know...I forgave you a long time ago.
And to all the others....I love you guys. Thank you.

There. All done. Don't we feel better and very sappy now?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Really, Guys Are Such Fags

This is a little note to the great majority of may find it upsetting, guys, but it's true: YOU'RE GAY. Why do I say this, you may ask? Because you care abot penis size WAY more than the average female. I mean WAY more. This is excluding the fabled 'size queens,' but there are outliers on every graph.

Allow me to explain myself.
Most men would rather DIE then let people think he has a small dick. But what's a giant tonker really good for, anyway? I mean, it really all that indicative of your personality, ability to make money, intelligence, or courage? No. And it really isn't connected to your sexual talent or prowess, or your ability to impregnate a woman. So what's the big deal?
Some men will claim that having a big dick gets you chicks. But come on...we don't want a manstrosity. Sure, Tiny Tim would require the knowledge of proper angles and positioning, but that's entirely plausible. I'm sure there are dicks out there that are too small, but only because the men attached to them don't make the effort to develop skill. Which might be because they have small dicks and have defeatist attitudes.
Too many guys who have big dicks just rely on the fact that their dicks are big, and wail away on their lady friends. Now, this can be nice, but sometimes (and I know this is an alien concept to some men), ladies like their men to be nice to them, and get them off. Wailing doesn't really do it all the time. Sure, she's yelling, but look at her face, kid; she don't look too happy.

The point of all this is that women don't really CARE how big your dick is. We care if you know what to do with it and we care if you're nice to us. MEN care how big dicks are.
Because they're gay.